Arts & Industries Prototype (Smithsonian, Washington DC)

2012, 5:36 minute Loop, Drawn, composite animation installation

Prototype for rear projection in multiple windows of the Arts & Industry Building

A prototype for Part 1 of Rose Bond's large scale animated installation designed for the Smithsonian's historic Arts & Industries Building. Conceived as a 30+ window animated projection viewed from the Mall, Bond's Part 1 is a look at the past - a reveal of the old Arts & Industries museum as a place where ideas, objects and public space intersected to create narratives. Part 2 would envision the future and the intersection of arts & science as imagined through a STEAM lens. Original music & sound for Part 1 by Heather Perkins. R&D funding from the Princess Grace Foundation. Prototype screened December 2012 in the under-renovation Arts & Industries Building.

Arts and Industry Image

A&I Building façade with activated windows lit.

Arts and Industry Image

Rose leading the Hard Hat screening for Smithsonian staff within the A&I Building.



Artist: Rose Bond

Original Score: Heather Perkins

Composite Artist: Zak Margolis

Programming: Steve Farris

Research Assistant: Ilana Sol

Site of Screening: Interior of Arts & Industry Building

Smithsonian Advisors: Christopher Lethbridge & Sheryl Kolasinski


The Smithsonian Revitalization Project

The Princess Grace Foundation USA