Broadsided! (Exeter UK)Intra Muros (Toronto)Animate TurangalilaStudio SuperflatEarths to Come (NYC)Illumination No.1 (Portland)Animate SinfoniaNexusGates of Light (NYC)Ming PanoramaIntra Muros (Zagreb)VIDEO
VIMEORose Bond expands cinema - drawing new audiences into under-explored spaces. Her public animated installations co-inhabit a site, navigating its allegories of place, emanating glimpses of the everyday to illuminate layered accretions of memory so often overlooked.
Bond’s cinematic work spans from indie animation to installations to live projection to VR theatre. Her recent collaboration with the Grammy award winning vocal band Roomful of Teeth, lauded composer inti figgis-vizueta, spatial sound designer Massimiliano Borghesi and Oscar winning producer Melanie Coombs, Earths to Come had its World Premiere at the 2024 Venice Biennale Cinema Immersive. Launched from a modest untitled Emily Dickinson poem, catalogued as “I have no life but this,” Earths to Come captivated audiences and drew rave reviews.
“Masterfully animated… a seminal piece of Virtual Reality…”
Venice News Daily
“Mesmerizing worldbuilding with an incredible soundscape… The result is something that goes beyond simple storytelling and becomes a visceral experience... Not to be missed.”
Loud and Clear Reviews - Venice 2024

Photographer: Fernando Cabrejos